



通讯地址:上海交通大学,转化医学研究院唐仲英楼 E410


  • 2016-2021   清华大学,博士,生物学(导师:刘磊)

  • 2012-2016   清华大学,学士,化学生物学


  • 2021-2023  博士后(合作导师:刘磊), 清华大学,化学系

  • 2023-至今   助理教授,博士生导师,上海交通大学,转化医学研究院


  • 2024   国自然青年基金

  • 2023  上海市“晨光计划”

  • 2023  上海交通大学“2030”计划

  • 2021  国家博士后创新人才支持计划

  • 2021  博士后面上


  • 聚焦蛋白质合成化学方法开发及其在翻译后修饰蛋白质研究中的应用。具体研究思路是开发全新蛋白质化学合成策略,以实现靶向翻译后修饰的功能蛋白工具(例如探针、抗体等)的高效制备,并将其有效应用于相关生物学命题探究,诸如解析翻译后修饰的形成、解离以及药物调控机制。这些研究不仅可以为生理、病理层面理解蛋白翻译后修饰功能提供了深入的机制见解,还可以为诊断和治疗提供创新思路。共发表 17 篇 SCI 论文,其中2篇通讯论文, 8篇为第一/共同第一论文。并持有1项授权中国发明专利。


第一作者或通讯作者论文 (#第一作者,*通讯作者)

  • Cui,J#.; Zheng, Q#.; Weng, Y# Zhai,X.; Su,Z.; Du,Y.; Wei, X.; Yu.Y.*; Qu, Q.*; Pan. M.*, Structure-guided development of chemically tailored peptide binders of RNF43/ZNRF3 to enable versatile design of membrane protein-targeting PROTACs,   Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 2025, e202501488. 10.1002/anie.202501488

  • Cai, H.#; Wu, X#.; Mao, J.; Tong, Z. ; Yan, D; Weng,Y*;  Zheng, Q*; Sequential release of interacting proteins and Ub-modifying enzymes by disulfide heterotypic ubiquitin reagents, Bioorg Chem, 2024, 145, 107186

  • Zhang, L.#; Du, Y.#; Qu, Q.*; Zheng, Q*.; Structure basis of the phytoplasma effector SAP05 recognition specificities to plant Rpn10 in ubiquitin-independent protein degradation. iScience, 2023, 27(2), 108892.

  • Mao, J.#; Ai, H.#; Wu, X.#; Zheng, Q*.; Cai, H.; Liang, L.; Tong, Z.; Pan, M.*; Liu, L.*; Structural visualization of HECT-E3 Ufd4 accepting and transferring ubiquitin to form K29/K48-branched polyubiquitination on N-degron. BioRxiv, 2023.05.23.542033 (Nat Chem Biol, under review).

  • Zheng, Q.#; Tian, W.#; Mao, J.#; Chu, G.; Liang, L.; Jing, Y. Zuo, C.; Yu, Y.; Hu, H.*; Pan, M.*, Synthesis of mimics in ubiquitination reading, writing and erasing processes by a bifunctional molecule-assisted strategy. Nat Protoc 2023,18(2),530-554.

  • Zheng, Q.#; Su, Z.; Yu, Y.*; Liu, L.*, Recent progress in dissecting ubiquitin signals with chemical biology tools. Curr Opin Chem Bio 2022, 70, 102187.

  • Pan, M.#;  Zheng, Q.#;  Wang, T.#;  Liang, L.#;  Mao, J.;  Zuo, C.;  Ding, R.;  Ai, H.;  Xie, Y.;  Si, D.;  Yu, Y.;  Liu, L.*; Zhao, M.*, Structural insights into Ubr1-mediated N-degron polyubiquitination. Nature 2021, 600 (7888), 334-338.

  • Pan, M.#;  Zheng, Q.#;  Yu, Y.;  Ai, H. S.;  Xie, Y.;  Zeng, X.;  Wang, C.;  Liu, L.*; Zhao, M.*, Seesaw conformations of Npl4 in the human p97 complex and the inhibitory mechanism of a disulfiram derivative. Nat Commun 2021, 12 (1), 121-133.

  • Yu, Y.#;  Zheng, Q.#;  Erramilli, S. K.#;  Pan, M.#*;  Park, S.;  Xie, Y.;  Li, J.;  Fei, J.;  Kossiakoff, A. A.*;  Liu, L.*; Zhao, M.*, K29-linked ubiquitin signaling regulates proteotoxic stress response and cell cycle. Nat Chem Biol 2021, 17 (8), 896-905.

  • Zheng, Q.#;  Wang, T.#;  Chu, G. C.#;  Zuo, C.;  Zhao, R.;  Sui, X.;  Ye, L. Z.;  Yu, Y. Y.;  Chen, J. N.;  Wu, X. W.;  Zhang, W. H.;  Deng, H. T.;  Shi, J.;  Pan, M.;  Li, Y. M.*; Liu, L.*, An E1-Catalyzed Chemoenzymatic Strategy to Isopeptide-N-Ethylated Deubiquitylase-Resistant Ubiquitin Probes. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2020, 59 (32), 13496-13501.

  • Pan, M.#; Zheng, Q.#;  Ding, S.#;  Zhang, L.#;  Qu, Q.;  Wang, T.;  Hong, D.;  Ren, Y.;  Liang, L.;  Chen, C.*;  Mei, Z.*; Liu, L.*, Chemical Protein Synthesis Enabled Mechanistic Studies on the Molecular Recognition of K27-linked Ubiquitin Chains. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2019, 58 (9), 2627-2631.

  • Pan, M.#;  Zheng, Q.#;  Gao, S.;  Qu, Q.;  Yu, Y.;  Wu, M.;  Lan, H.;  Li, Y.;  Liu, S.;  Li, J.;  Sun, D.;  Lu, L.;  Wang, T.;  Zhang, W.;  Wang, J.;  Li, Y.;  Hu, H.-G.*;  Tian, C.*; Liu, L.*, Chemical Synthesis of Structurally Defined Phosphorylated Ubiquitins Suggests Impaired Parkin Activation by Phosphorylated Ubiquitins with a Non-Phosphorylated Distal Unit. CCS Chem. 2019, 1 (5), 476-489.


  • 13.Ai, H#.; Tong, Z#.; Deng, Z#.; Tian, J.; Zhang, L.; Sun, M.; Du, Y.; Xu, X.; Du, Y.; Shi, Q.; Liang, L.; Zheng, Q.; Li, J.; Pan, M. *; Liu, L.*, Synthetic E2-Ub-nucleosome conjugates for studying nucleosome ubiquitination. Chem, 2023, 9, 1221-1240.

  • Wang, T#.; Li, C#.; Wang, M#.; Zhang, J.; Zheng, Q.; Liang, L.; Chu, G.;  Tian, X.; Deng, H.; He, W. *; Liu, L. *; Li, J. *, Expedient Synthesis of Ubiquitin-like Protein ISG15 Tools Through Chemo-Enzymatic Ligation Catalyzed by a Viral Protease Lbpro. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2022, 61, e202206205.

  • Zuo, C.#;  Ding, R.#; Wu,  X.#;  Wang, Y.; Chu, G.; Liang, L.; Ai, H.; Tong, Z.; Mao, J.; Zheng, Q.; Wang, T.; Li, Z.; Liu, L.*; Sun, D.*, Thioester-Assisted Sortase-A-Mediated Ligation. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2022, 61, e202201887.

  • Liang, L. J.#;  Chu, G. C.#;  Qu, Q.#;  Zuo, C.;  Mao, J.;  Zheng, Q.;  Chen, J.;  Meng, X.;  Jing, Y.;  Deng, H.;  Li, Y. M.*; Liu, L.*, Chemical Synthesis of Activity-Based E2-Ubiquitin Probes for the Structural Analysis of E3 Ligase-Catalyzed Transthiolation. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2021, 60 (31), 17171-17177.

  • Sui, X.#;  Wang, Y.;  Du, Y. X.;  Liang, L. J.;  Zheng, Q. Y.;  Li, Y. M.*; Liu, L.*, Development and application of ubiquitin-based chemical probes. Chem Sci 2020, 11 (47), 12633-12646.

  • Gao, S.#;  Pan, M.#;  Zheng, Y.#;  Huang, Y.;  Zheng, Q.;  Sun, D.;  Lu, L.;  Tan, X.;  Tan, X.;  Lan, H.;  Wang, J.;  Wang, T.;  Wang, J.; Liu, L.*, Monomer/Oligomer Quasi-Racemic Protein Crystallography. J Am Chem Soc 2016, 138 (43), 14497-14502.

  • Pan, M.#;  Gao, S.#;  Zheng, Y.#;  Tan, X. D.;  Lan, H.;  Tan, X. L.;  Sun, D. M.;  Lu, L. N.;  Wang, T.;  Zheng, Q.;  Huang, Y. C.;  Wang, J. W.; Liu, L.*, Quasi-Racemic X-ray Structures of K27-Linked Ubiquitin Chains Prepared by Total Chemical Synthesis. J Am Chem Soc 2016, 138 (23), 7429-7435.


  • 刘磊; 潘漫; 郑清芸; 王天; 曲倩; 化合物及其制备方法和应用, 2019-10-29, 中国, ZL201711176495.3.