





  • 2005.09-2012.07, 西北大学,生命科学与技术(基地班),本硕连读

  • 2013.01-2017.09, 哥廷根大学和马普所生物物理化学研究所(德国),博士


  • 2018.01-2021.09, 德州大学MD安德森癌症中心(美国), 博士后

  • 2021.10-current,上海交通大学,生命科学技术学院,长聘教轨副教授,PI


  • 天然产物合成酶学

  • 核酸修饰与合成酶学


  1. 国自然基金委面上项目,32271305,磷酸转酮酶关键中间体形成和变构调节的研究及其与转酮酶的比较

  2. 医工交叉青年项目,23X010302391,组氨酸甲基化酶SETD3抑制剂的开发及其在急性髓系白血病中的治疗作用


  1. Zhiyong Liu, Chengliang Xiao, Shuangjun Lin, Kai Tittmann*, Shaobo Dai*. (2023) The multi-faceted role of the substrate phosphate group in transketolase. ACS Catalysis.

  2. Shaobo Dai#, Lisa-Marie Funk#, Fabian Rabe von Pappenheim, Viktor Sautner, Mirko Paulikat, Benjamin Schröder, Jon Uranga, Ricardo A Mata, Kai Tittmann. (2019) Low-barrier hydrogen bonds in enzyme cooperativity. Nature, 573(7775) 609-613.

  3. Alex W Wilkinson#, Jonathan Diep#, Shaobo Dai#, Shuo Liu, Yaw Shin Ooi, Dan Song, Tie-Mei Li, John R Horton, Xing Zhang, Chao Liu, Darshan V Trivedi, Katherine M Ruppel, José G Vilches-Moure, Kerriann M Casey, Justin Mak, Tina Cowan, Joshua E Elias, Claude M Nagamine, James A Spudich, Xiaodong Cheng*, Jan E Carette*, Or Gozani* (2019) SETD3 is an actin histidine methyltransferase that prevents primary dystocia. (#co-first authors) Nature, 565(7739) 372-376.

  4. Shaobo Dai, John R Horton, Clayton B Woodcock, Alex W Wilkinson, Xing Zhang, Or Gozani, Xiaodong Cheng. (2019) Structural basis for the target specificity of actin histidine methyltransferase SETD3. Nature Communications 10(1) 3541

  5. Shaobo Dai, Matthew V Holt, John R Horton, Clayton B Woodcock, Anamika Patel, Xing Zhang, Nicolas L Young, Alex W Wilkinson, Xiaodong Cheng. Characterization of SETD3 methyltransferase mediated protein methionine methylation. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2020, 295, 10901-10910 (cover story).